Sunday, 14 July 2013

The final countdown!! Mitch takes over take 2

We have just finished an amazing experience in Iquitos. This morning was kicked off with a trip around a local market. Each individual on the trip was given a mission at the start of the Peruvian adventure to look after a selected person on the journey. The markets gave us all the perfect excuse to spend some soles on the person we were to look after...... It's amazing how people can link various jungle items to memories they've shared with people in the group!

We then walked a few blocks to a local Chinese. The air con was beautiful - imagine sweating for 16 days solid before walking into a freezer and you're almost there!!! We were all treated to a wonderful feast thanks to an anonymous donation from a generous member of staff at St. John's. Inca cola and sweet and sour chicken was devoured by all!

As we all headed back to the hotel (loaded with Asian cuisine) we took time to write small notes / affirmations about each person we'd travelled with. It's amazing how quickly you realise How beautiful, gifted and unique every single person is when you are given time to think about those you'd have shared the past few weeks with.

Tonight was also the AMAZING EVENING OF PERU HAS GOT TALENT! Each group was given the task of creating a song or dance reflecting their time here. Needless to say it was yet another opportunity to witness how incredible each and every individual at St. John's is. It's safe to say there are some sights I can never unsee......

I maybe biased but..... St. John's prides itself on being a school guided by gospel values and this trip just shows it a million times over. If you a parent, sibling, friend, wife, husband, boyfriend. girlfriend or teacher of any young person here please be proud of their achievements in Peru. I know you haven't seen them work here first hand but they truly have blossomed into beautiful, insightful, gorgeous, witty, insightful youngsters (and oldsters!) who I am so proud to call amigos after this journey.

Finally I would just like to say a HUGE thank you to Jo Hopper. She has been a modern day Karl Kennedy here in Iquitos. As a group we called upon her to be a friend, teacher, counsellor, medic, comedian, musician and general saint. She'll probably die a little inside reading this but as I'm doing the blog tonight I can say what I want! HOPS WE LOVE YOU.

Adios amigos see you at Newcastle airport!

Mitch xxxx

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