Friday, 12 July 2013

Day 12 - me vas a hacer falta amigos

By the title of my blog I'm sure you are now aware my Spanish is now at excellent levels and also miss Hopper is always around at the most convenient times.  

 Today started on a high, instead of having breakfast at 6:30 we had it at 8:00 so from the get go we were happy! I was made even happier as I won the prestigious place of window seat on the bus, things were going good. 

Unfortunately for me the sun decided to come out it's brightest today, whilst the majority enjoyed this, me and my ginger skin were not amused. 

Our project only needed the finishing touches today so for once there seemed to be too many people! Me and Zand were having none of this and became recluses from the sun in the pink room where we painted all morning. Even just painting a cooking pot on a wall gave me such a sense of satisfaction as my soundtrack was the children's laughter from the nursery and I know that they will love our end product. 

Lunch was the usual; chicken leg, potato and lettuce but today we had peas and carrots in our rice so we were all very excited for that. After lunch I rang home which was such a pick me up as being so far away from every one is definitely taking its toll. However once my 21 month old nephew was giving the phone he was quick to hang up on me, accidental or not, thanks Noah. 

We then headed to the children's home for the very last time. I was terrified of saying goodbye to these children who I'd formed such bonds with. Particularly a little girl called Johanna, although only knowing her a week, not being able to speak the same language and having an age gap of  8 years I found a friendship in her similar to the one I share with my sister. I will never forget her, I will never forget any of them but especially her. I even gave her one of my hats and if you know me then you know that I would have parted with an organ easier. I honestly fell in love with the place, I will always remember little Osilia's laughor the girl's faces when watching a video of themselves on my iPod before shouting 'TV! TV!' ingrained in my mind. These girls thanked us before we left but really it's us who's thankful, they've taught us more about ourselves and the world than we could have imagined knowing and they also allowed us all to act like big kids again which is always good.

Tonight was mine and Katie's reflection, our subject was resurrection. We wanted the group to think about how Peru had allowed us to resurrect ourselves, how we have change into better people than we were before hand. I personally believe that this experience has made me a much better person with a realistic yet still optimistic view for the future of the world and I'm very thankful for that. 
 Anyway, I apologise or the length of this blog but blame Willis for asking me! I must go to bed now as Hopps has warned us of a late night tomorrow. Seshhlaaa. 

Oh and I forgot, to any teacher reading this, our air con is leaking and we don't know what to do. Please help!

Thanks amigos, 

Hutch xo

*Spell checked by Zand*

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